Growth Guarantee

Grow and Glow or Get Your Money Back. We have great confidence you will love your ForChics products! If you don’t see results, you may qualify for a refund. Read below to begin your claim!

For Growth Products

Growing lashes or brows is a process, and it doesn’t happen overnight. Also, hair growth may differ from person to person. Some react quicker to the active ingredients, while others are slow to grow.

How Do I Claim?

If you have used our growth products as recommended for 60 days, you are eligible for our Growth Guarantee! Simply follow these 5 steps to qualify for a refund:

  1. Take a photo of your eyelashes/eyebrows the day of your 1st application with a time stamp.
  2. 2Complete 30 days of consecutive application and take a picture with a timestamp.
  3. Complete 60 days of consecutive application and take a picture with a timestamp.
  4. Fill in the form below with your 3 time stamped photos.
  5. Allow 3 business days for your application to be processed. Once processed, you will receive an email. For more information, please read our terms and conditions.